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Beach Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
South Walton
TooFarTampa said:
Also, what will you be paying per month? And exactly how would it help your renters, if at all? It would seem to me they would need to have the Mediacom software already, but I'm not quite up on these things. Still learning. :dunno: Hubby is the techie in our family. But I am in charge of our Seacrest house, and I have had several renters ask for a high speed connection. Wondering if it's worth it.

We just subscribed to Mediacom's internet for our rental house. We added a wireless router. Renters can either just turn on their wireless enabled laptop and be on our network, or connect via a wire that is connected to the router if they have an ethernet card for a hardwire connection. No Mediacom sofware is required. Just open up IE or your favorite browser and you're on the internet. I don't know if it's worth it yet, but anything to make SoWal visitors able to get on sowal.com!


Beach Fanatic
Oct 28, 2005
A local
No software is required for Sprint DSL either.

Don't go to Cox whatever you do. They have SEVERE e-mail problems. I dropped them after a year and a half, SEVERE e-mail problems.

I had Sprint DSL installed in both my home and office and am pleased so far. But, call Sprint directly, the resellers service, even though they claime it is Sprint, doesn't compare to Sprint Direct. I used Network Tallahassee, and have absolutely nothing good to say about them. Down more than up and a lot of the resellers use Network Tallahassee in this are.

Many of my clients have complained about Mediacom being down a lot.


May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
SGB said:
We just subscribed to Mediacom's internet for our rental house. We added a wireless router. Renters can either just turn on their wireless enabled laptop and be on our network, or connect via a wire that is connected to the router if they have an ethernet card for a hardwire connection. No Mediacom sofware is required. Just open up IE or your favorite browser and you're on the internet. I don't know if it's worth it yet, but anything to make SoWal visitors able to get on sowal.com!

oooh! - unsecured wireless internet - the cops (and anybody else with a laptop in their car) will be parked outside your house half the time and the porno kid in the house next door can use it for free too and you'll be registered as going to those sites! yay! thanks! wireless routers rule!

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
ab, are you trying to scare people? It is pretty simple to create a password to access the wi-fi, and even easier to post that password in the beach house with simple instructions. You can even hide the network, so that it is invisible to those not in the know.

katie blue

kt loo
Mar 11, 2005
in perpetual motion
Beach Runner said:
Now I've gotta get my new webcam set up to show major changes on the beach since Thanksgiving.
There used to be a webcam here that we all enjoyed until it bit the dust, many moons ago pre-Ivan. Ivan took it out I guess. BR, are you really thinking of setting up a cam? And if so, would it be left up much of the time? It would be incredible to see SoWal beach in real time once again.


Beach Lover
We have tried both Sprint DSL and Medicom. Online testing shows Medicom cable is much faster. If you are not uploading large files using Sprint DSL should be okay. Sprint has not upgrade their phone lines in our area and does cause some problems. Medicom has been down some, but usually fixed within a few hours.
katie blue said:
There used to be a webcam here that we all enjoyed until it bit the dust, many moons ago pre-Ivan. Ivan took it out I guess. BR, are you really thinking of setting up a cam? And if so, would it be left up much of the time? It would be incredible to see SoWal beach in real time once again.
Actually the old webcam was at the SoWal beach home of one of my neighbors and friends in GA. Great people BTW.

The thing is, I disconnect my electronics when we're not here. Even if I left them on, if there were a power surge, I'd have to be here to log on again. Also, I wouldn't want to leave it out if we had renters here - they'd steal it or break it (assuming history repeats itself and our rental management company does jack sh** whenever something here is missing or damaged).

I also can't get the gosh-darned new webcam (that my husband chose for me) to work. It's an Aiptek MiniPencam. Their tech support says you use NetMeeting to set up the website, but I see nothing in NetMeeting that lets you enter an ftp site to upload the webcam video to. Without that, I can see the video, but no one else can. I've re-emailed their tech support. If I can't get it working soon, I'm gonna go buy a different one.

SJ - exactly (wrt the wireless)!
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May 30, 2005
redneck heaven
never saw any leftovers around here either!

sj and br - please make sure the folks passord protect their internet access, once most folks get that hi-speed running wirelessly, they just don't take the extra step to secure it. I wouldnt know if its easy to password protect as I dont support wireless internet since I usually end up needing to use the power plug anyhow so what's one more wire - I heard that it is sooooo easy to find unsecured wireless that if you're looking to check your e-mail just plug up the laptop in the car, turn on the computer and drive slow down any street
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aquaticbiology said:
never saw any leftovers around here either!

sj and br - please make sure the folks passord protect their internet access, once most folks get that hi-speed running wirelessly, they just don't take the extra step to secure it. I wouldnt know if its easy to password protect as I dont support wireless internet since I usually end up needing to use the power plug anyhow so what's one more wire - I heard that it is sooooo easy to find unsecured wireless that if you're looking to check your e-mail just plug up the laptop in the car, turn on the computer and drive slow down any street
Oh, yeah, I know about encryption and not broadcasting the SSID. Occasionally I go wardriving for grins (I live in a really boring town and my husband travels a lot). I talked about wardriving on another thread. What amazes me is whose wireless networks are not protected, such as GTPres - duh, let's guess who that is (I found this on wifimaps.com).
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